Test Stage

Test Stage

This phase is also called as ‘Execute’. This is the phase where the final solution is tested on a full scale basis. The idea that seems the best according to the feedback of the customers and end users in the prototype phase will be executed. In this step, the design thinkers are supposed to be collaborative and agile.

Testing will help to understand what actually works and what does not. This step can be the most rewarding, if the prototypes succeed to give positive results, or can be the most annoying, if the prototype fails. After testing, the entire process of design thinking may have to be repeated. If the end user approves the solution, then the process of design thinking stops here.

Iterate Phase                     

If the end-user is not satisfied with the results, the design thinker will need to frame a new problem definition by incorporating the insights from the last Test phase and will have to again empathize in a better way with the end user. Ideate process will be repeated, followed by prototyping and another round of Testing. If Test phase fails to give positive results again, another round of iteration will have to be done. This way, the process of design thinking can stretch infinitely as well.

Iterate Phase

Let’s take a look at the DT problem.

Suppose the prototype has given us positive results for the small scale model. We can then replicate the model on a larger scale inside the entire company building. We can perhaps take it to all the buildings as well. Motivational posters will be pasted over the walls and team-building activities will be conducted. Moreover, classroom session aided with digital technology will be instrumental in driving our prototype forward.

There can be cases where some problems may arise. For instance, an employee who works at the client location outside the company’s premises may feel left out since he/she cannot participate in the activities that happens inside the company premises. Such people can also ask for similar activities in the offices of DT’s client, which may not be possible since the client may not grant permission.

However, classroom sessions may work for tutoring on some technologies. For instance, a software tool can be taught to the new employees of DT via huge classroom session, but operating machines requires each employee to learn the techniques under careful personal supervision. This model won’t find place in the areas were the operations deal with operating large machines. For getting hands-on experience, the employees will need to have the instructor giving them individual attention. For this, either a large number of instructors are required or the duration of knowledge transfer program has to be increased, which will lead to increase in costs.

The design thinkers will need to draft a new problem definition and will have to brainstorm for ideas to solve the new issue and to have a uniform solution implemented across the company.