Whole-Brain Creativity for leadership and Innovation

Whole-Brain Creativity for leadership and Innovation

1.      Analytical intelligence includes how you frame a problem. Also how you evaluate an idea, including critical thinking.

2.      Artistic intelligence includes using your imagination, visual thinking, and how you envision possibilities.

3.      Relational intelligence includes how your idea connects or impacts others within a system. Also how you collaborate and co-create with others.

4.      Operational intelligence includes planning and organizing; how you turn an idea into action.

Creativity requires whole-brain thinking; right-brain imagination, artistry and intuition, plus left-brain logic and planning. Whole-brain thinking provides you with a strategic roadmap for creativity, problem-solving, innovation and transformation. These processes can be used to develop creativity and innovation capabilities within the individual and organization. Techniques and methodologies are drawn from business, art, science and design. The exercises are designed to effect shifts in perception, help people break out of traditional mindsets and reframe their world-view in a safe and fun atmosphere.

 Learning Outcomes:

  • Discover your Creativity and Innovation styles
  • Develop a language and structure for managing creativity and innovation
  • Create a climate conductive to fostering creativity and innovation
  • Design and conduct high-performance idea-generation/problem-solving sessions
  • Identify and use multiple creative-thinking techniques to generate ideas
  • Recognize when and how creativity is stifled and be able to prevent this
  • Build innovation and critical thinking into individual and teamwork processes.
  • Apply creative thinking to managing customer accounts, gathering customer insights, and finding leverage points
  • Improve the way you frame problems and  communicate ideas to get people on board