Public Library Management – Associations

Public Library Management – Associations

In this chapter, we will discuss briefly about some of the popular Indian as well as International library associations.

Indian Library Associations

The library associations are different than the libraries themselves. There were state-wise library associations existing in India before and after India’s independence.

Indian Library Association (ILA)               

ILA is a national library association that was founded in 1933. The association represents the people working for Indian libraries. ILA is influential and devoted to the development of public libraries.

Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centers (IASLIC)

IASLIC is yet another library association at the national level, working towards the betterment of the public libraries in India. It has a vast membership audience and it plays an instrumental role in the development of public libraries far and wide.

Both ILA and IASLIC are working with the following objectives −

●      Promoting library science education.

●      Improving the training of library staff in India.

●      Promoting the bibliographical study and research in library science.

●      Improving status and conditions of library services.

●      Publishing bulletins periodicals, books, and articles.

●      Conducting conferences and meetings to discuss the issues and ways regarding library development.

●      Promoting appropriate library legislation in India.

●      Formulating and promoting standards, rules, and guidelines for library management, and information systems and services.

University Grants Commission (UGC)

This statutory governmental body found in 1956 works to coordinate, and determine and maintain education standards. It provides recognition to the Indian universities and manages the funds that have to go to these universities and colleges. It ensures continual influx of funds and grants for the libraries.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF)

This library association was established in 1961 at Calcutta. It works towards conducting book exhibitions, developing mobile libraries and digital libraries, and providing high quality services in public libraries through the hands of skilled staff.

International Library Associations

There are a number of international library associations working towards the betterment of libraries in their mother countries and otherwise.

Public Library Association (PLA)

It is a division of the world-known American Library Association (ALA) working for the maintenance and progress of public libraries. It was founded in 1944 and claims to be the oldest American library association. It is engaged to provide myriad programs to communicate, publish, advocate, provide continual education, and ancillary works for its subscribers all others those are interested in the advancement of public library service.

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

It was founded in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1927. The association has over 1300 Members in almost 140 countries worldwide. This visionary library association has been working towards spreading the understanding of a good library, setting and following high standards for library services, and delivering the best library services to the members around the world.

United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

It is an agency of United Nations (UN). It works for world peace and security through educational and cultural reforms. UNESCO supports an idea that the public libraries can provide unlimited access to educate the people around the world thereby changing their mindsets against violence, unawareness, and lack of knowledge, and drive them towards peace, awareness of human rights, and their overall welfare.

UNESCO works for the betterment of public libraries to −

●      Foster reading habit and creativity among the children at an early age.

●      Support individual and self-learning as well as formal education through public libraries.

●      Promote awareness of culture, heritage, and arts.

●      Ensure access of free knowledge for all citizens irrespective of age, race, gender, and status.

●      Providing adequate information services to local enterprises.

●      Facilitate computer literacy required for public library management and otherwise.

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