Evaluation of Work

Evaluation of Work

All companies have a formal review system that they implement annually for all the employees, however it’s always advisable to have frequent informal review and feedback processes taken in 2-3 months.

Most supervisors like to go for a team-meeting once a week, just to discuss what the team has achieved in the last week and what the agenda is for the next one. Managers typically like to go monthly or quarterly reviews.

Here is a typical Performance Review Form to keep track of weekly progress −

Work delegated in priority orderSuccess Ratio
Due Date for projectProbability of meeting deadlines
Employee’s opinion about jobDate of conversation
Supervisor’s Previous FeedbackDate of feedback
 Date of review

The Role of a Manager

As a performer, it’s very important to keep a record of your team’s goals and accomplishments. Many companies implement a performance journal where every achievement, big or small, is registered. This progress graph is then shown to the employees to get them motivated and encouraged. Comparing goals and performances of one another will also make the employees competitive and more aware of the strength of their own team.

To make all policies directed toward improving employee’s performance effectively, the manager should have a good working relationship with his team. The relationship should be professional, ethical and transparent. The manager needs to inform the employees of any important changes that need be done and a logical explanation behind it.

If the employees don’t trust their manager and vice versa, the overall productivity of the company suffers. It is therefore important that the managers learn to see things from the employee’s perspective so that they can properly deal with the employee evaluation process.

Performance managers occasionally function as performance coaches to help people address those concerns that’s stunting their growth and improvement. It involves open communication, encouragement, and suggesting corrective measures. In such cases, performance managers also resort to providing skill-based training.

How to Get Desired Results

One of the most important steps in achieving consistent outcomes is to prioritize goals. Every employee should select for himself a priority list of goals and objectives, where the maximum focus should be given on the ‘Top 3” goals. This helps him channel all his energy into delivering the best output because he knows exactly what he is supposed to work on, and what he is supposed to be doing.

Desired Result

Measurable Performances

Performances must be measurable. Without empirical data, it will be very difficult to evaluate an employee’s productivity. However, people need to exercise caution while measuring performances as it’s often difficult to put it in numbers.

Areas like software coding can have strict, measurable performance indices as the work progress can effectively be traced back to the output, however in industries like writing, forcing employees to deliver high quantities can result in dilution of the standards of output.