Minutes of Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

Also known as protocol or note, minutes are the live written record of a meeting. They include the list of attendees, issues raised, related responses, and final decisions taken to address the issues. Their purpose is to record what actions have been assigned to whom, along with the achievements and the deadlines.

Minutes Meeting

Format of Minutes of Meeting

A minutes of meeting normally includes the following elements −

●      Name of the company − to the top-left of the page.

●      Date − to the top-right of the page.

●      Topic − after two return keys; Center-aligned.

●      Attendees − Name and designation (2 columns of a table).

●      Absentees − name, roles, reasons for absenteeism. (3 columns)

●      Agenda at hand − topic to be discussed.

●      Issues raised − along with the names of the speakers.

●      Suggestions − made along with the names of the speakers.

●      Decision − the outcome of the meeting.

●      Task List − task allotted and the respective allottee.

●      Future Meetings − the date and topic of the next meeting.