Importance of Business Etiquette

Importance of Business Etiquette

Etiquette is a set of unwritten rules that apply to social situations, professional workplaces and relationships. In the business world, good business etiquette means that you act professionally and exercise proper manners when engaging with others in your profession. Good business etiquette is a valuable skill-set that will make you stand out from others, enhance your chances at success and help you land that dream job.


In business, the relationships you build are critical. Establishing good rapport is significant if you want to progress your professional future, take on new clients, impress your boss or close that final sale. The way to build positive relationships in the business world is by exercising good etiquette, specifically by exhibiting top-notch communication skills. If others are speaking, give them your full attention and make eye contact to let them know you are engaged in the conversation. This is known as active listening. When it is your turn to speak, be clear and concise, and avoid jargon that your audience would not understand. Add a smile and a handshake so others find you pleasant to work with.


Good business etiquette is the recipe for advancing your career. In the business world, people with good etiquette are rewarded for their professional and polite skills. For example, an employee who arrives at a meeting on time (or early) and is ready to take notes has a better chance of impressing his supervisor than the employee who shows up to the meeting late, and forgets to bring a pen. Those who exemplify good business etiquette are proving that they respect their position, job, coworkers and take their performance seriously. As such, these individuals win promotions and get ahead in their careers.


Netiquette is etiquette that takes place over virtual mediums, such as email. Virtual communication is popular in the business world, so it is critical that businessmen and women have the right netiquette to maintain professionalism. Compose emails the way you would write a letter. Use complete sentences and proper grammar, and check your email for correct punctuation usage and other technical errors. Avoid using jargon, abbreviations and emoticons. Do not type emails in all capital letters, as this is construed as yelling, according to Oakton Community College in Illinois.


As a businessman or woman it is important that you make a good impression. The way you dress, for instance, impacts the way you are perceived by others. Other peoples’ impressions of you should be positive so that they continue doing business with you. To accomplish this, start with your attire. Ask yourself if you look professional, or if your outfit needs some fine-tuning. Looking sloppy, messy and dirty will put off your co-workers and turn away potential clients.


Business etiquette extends beyond the office. When you are required to attend a business luncheon or dinner, it is important that you adhere to tableside etiquette standards as well as business etiquette. People with good dining manners can win over their colleagues and counterparts, whereas people with poor conduct may miss out on business deals, according to the International Etiquette Centre.