What type of careers work with international marketing strategies?

What type of careers work with international marketing strategies?

Because international business is largely conducted over the telephone and internet, an international marketing professional should have a firm grasp on changing technologies as well as an understanding of different cultures and global economy. An international marketing career is especially suited to an individual with political understanding, good economic and communications skills, and an ear for language.

Marketing Managers

What do they do?

International marketing campaigns are generally led by a marketing manager with the knowledge and training necessary to manage and effectively direct a comprehensive global campaign. Typically, marketing managers oversee all activities within a company’s marketing, advertising, and promotional department, locally and abroad. They establish brand guidelines and growth strategies, evaluate customer needs in foreign markets, and tweak marketing plans dependent on culture. This position is a key component in ensuring the success of an international marketing campaign.

Education and experience

Most marketing managers have at least a bachelor’s degree in marketing or a related major like communication, advertising, or business. For an international marketing manager, a second major or minor in a foreign language, and retained fluency in that language, would also be extremely beneficial. Marketing managers generally begin in entry-level marketing positions and work their way up the career ladder.

Marketing Coordinators

What do they do?

A marketing coordinator organizes and implements the day-to-day tasks of personifying a brand across all markets. In the case of international marketing, a marketing coordinator may be hired for each foreign market, to ensure that the brand and its message are being utilized appropriately across all cultures in routine application.

Education and experience

Most marketing coordinators need a bachelor’s degree in marketing, event planning, or a related field, but generally need less experience than other positions in the international marketing field. They should have excellent time management and organizational skills, and should be able to manage multiple projects on tight deadlines. Again, fluency in a foreign language is extremely beneficial.


What do they do?

Even if most members of an international marketing team are fluent in a second language, it is best practice to keep a translator on staff who is familiar with the subtleties, nuances, and unique sayings of a language in the target market. As the language expert, a translator helps keep business transactions running smoothly across linguistic barriers and can prevent mishaps in marketing.

Education and experience

In most situations, a translator will have formal study in his or her specialty language, like a bachelor’s degree in Spanish or Farsi. However, a translator can also be a foreign-born professional whose second (or third, or fourth) language is English.