About 80 performance measures falling in between KRIs and KPIs are performance indicators and result indicators (PIs and RIs).
The performance indicators are important but they are not the key to the business. The PIs propel teams to align themselves to the organization’s strategy. PIs, in fact, complement the KPIs and they are shown with KPIs on the organization, department and team scorecards.
Following are some PIs −
● Percentage increase in sales to the top 10% of customers
● Number of employees’ suggestions implemented in the last 30 days
● Customer complaints from key customers
● Sales calls organized for the next one to two weeks
● Late deliveries to key customers
Following are some RIs −
● Net profit on key product lines
● Sales made yesterday
● Week’s sales to key customers
● Debtor collections in week
● Bed utilization in week
The 10/80/10 Rule of Performance Measures
An organization should have around 10 KRIs, up to 80 PIs and RIs, and 10 KPIs. No more than these are actually used, but in many cases fewer measures are enough.
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