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- Activities such drawing, painting, carving, quiet the rational mind and awaken the intuitive mind, which enable flashes of insight to occur.
- Visual art teaches us to see more nuances & details about a subject. Innovators, artists, and inventors all have excellent observation skills.
- Music teaches us to listen more deeply, and this skill can be transferred to leadership and management development
Learning how to think like an artist means learning how to:
- Reframe problems in order to generate new perspectives.
- Observe information to decipher complexity, make meaning and discern emerging futures.
- Find relationships between unrelated ideas and events.
- Use imagination to spark ideas
- Work at the edge of your potential.
- Take conceptual risks
- Work within constraints
- Use all the senses to surface insights
- Transform vision into action
Art–based learning for business can enhance:
- Artful reflection: Learning to decode complexity and ambiguity
- Creative leadership development
- Cultivating Creativity & Innovation
- Collaboration and teamwork
- Values creation and meaningful work
- Appreciative Inquiry and leading change
- Corporate retreats: Hosting Strategic Conversations
- Meetings and Think Tanks
- Culture change
- New product development
- Idea-generation and problem-solving
- Role-playing and improving communications
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