Cisco hosted a non-tech hackathon to explore a wide range of HR issues with its employees. The result: 105 new solutions for its global workforce of 71,000 people to improve employee experiences in recruiting, onboarding, and learning and development. To delight employees, Cisco has identified “moments that matter” — such as joining the organization, changing jobs, and managing family emergencies — and redesigned its employee services around these moments.
AirBnB has changed the Chief HR Officer function into a Chief Employee Experience Officer function recognizing that “experience” is the essence of a workplace, especially among millennials.
At Pixar, the Employee Experience Manager provides outreach, consultation and support to a variety of groups and individuals. This means lots of face time, and conversations with employees and managers to better understand experiences, challenges, and development needs.
6 trends linking HR and Design Thinking
Josh Bersin at Deloitte predicts HR teams in 2017 will stop designing “programs” and instead design integrated, high-value “experiences” that excite, engage and inspire employees. HR can leverage design thinking via:
- Organizational design, which can incorporate design thinking when restructuring roles or the organization itself
- Engagement, which research shows can be driven by using design thinking to make work easier, more efficient, more fulfilling, and more rewarding
- Learning, in which new, self-directed learning experiences can be shaped by design thinking’s central principle of putting the user experience ahead of the process
- Analytics,in which data analysis and design thinking can be linked to recommend better solutions directly to the employee
- HR skills, which must be upgraded to incorporate an understanding of digital design, mobile application design, behavioral economics, machine learning, and user experience design
- Digital HR, where design thinking is critical in developing new digital tools that can make work easier and better.
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