Production Issues

Production Issues

Production is the core of any business organization having its operations on an international scale. International business firms must look closely at production factors for profitability and sustainability. Production refers to manufacturing, acquiring, and developing products for the business market.

Efficient problem management considering

·         Involvement of a large number of various problems with the respective supporting data;

·         Timely processing of problems depending on their priority;

·         Identification of the problem status at the processing stage;

·         Strict definition of responsibilities at the time of processing;

·         Mechanisms to control the problems processing.

To achieve efficient management, you need to:

Quickly and precisely identify the problem

·         Describe the problem (brief/full description, documents)

·         Identify the problem (in a specific product, material, batch)

·         Find what quality has been affected by the problem (rejected quantities)

·         Identify where the problem was found (workshop/work center)

·         Identify the problem’s origin (workshop/work center)

·         Find out who has discovered the problem.

·         Identify the problem’s priority.

Forward the problem

·         The problem is directed only those employees who will be involved in its identification and solving;

·         The problem response and solution times can be controlled.

Define measures to solve the problem

·         Define specific measures needed to solve the problem, assign a person in charge and time for the problem solution;

·         Control the measures implementation.

Analyze the problem

·         Ad hoc quantitative and qualitative reports by workplace, type of defect, etc.