Design Thinking – Definition

Design Thinking – Definition

The idea of using design as a way of solving complex problems in a simplified manner in sciences originated in the book, ‘The Sciences of the Artificial’, authored by Herbert A.Simon in 1969. The same purpose was achieved for design engineering by the book ‘Experiences in Visual Thinking’, authored by Robert McKim in 1973.

In 1987, Peter Rowe’s book titled, “Design Thinking” described methods and approaches that planners, designers, and architects use. The work of Robert McKim was consolidated by Rolf Faste at Stanford University during 1980s to 1990s and then, David M. Kelly adapted design thinking for business interests. David M. Kelly founded IDEO in 1991.

Most of the industries trying to solve customers’ problems and address their needs are failing just because they look at the problems outside in. However, many problems can be solved in a better manner if we look at them inside out.

According to an article in Forbes, a large number of problems faced by organizations worldwide are multi-faceted and are a part of increasingly complex business models. The expansion of global transactions, growth of international partnerships and decentralized base of human resources are leading to challenges that require a global outlook and hence, a different outlook to solve the problems.